Healing illness with the subconscious mind | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool
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PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
I find working to help heal PTSD the most simple of all the work I do. It may sound surprising, yet it's true.
Chronic Fatigue
There is an epidemic of people who feel chronically ill. This has to change and unfortunately the typical way of treating illnesses is just not cutting it.
Sexual Trauma and Chronic Illness
Is there a correlation between sexual trauma and chronic illness? Renowned hypnotherapist and Tedx Speaker, Danna Pycher explains in this video. explains in this video.
Addictions, Weight Loss, and Hypnosis
If you can dissolve emotional patterns you can behave more rationally in every aspect of your life. Danna explains how to work with the mind creatively to do so. explains in this video. explains in this video.
Confidence and Empowerment
Danna Pycher speaks to women attorneys at an Embrace the Esquire event. She was asked to speak about how to tap into the subconscious mind for ultimate confidence.
Overcoming Mental and Emotional Obstacles
Danna shares practical tools with the women of American Business Women's Association to lead a more happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.
3 Key Manifestation Words
Danna Pycher, world renown hypnotherapist and TEDx motivational speaker describes the 3 key words for the laws of manifestation. When we heal the deep rooted belief " I don't deserve" our lives can unfold in the best way possible.
Regression Hypnosis Therapy Explained
Danna Pycher, world renown hypnotherapist and TEDx speaker, explains what hypnotherapy is and what it is not. She also talks about how she does group regression therapy for a mass of people and also at retreats. Every person can bring up their specific issue that they would like to work on.
Trauma, Healing Chronic Illness, and Hypnotherapy with David Snyder
Danna Pycher, world renown hypnotherapist and TEDx motivational speaker interviews David Snyder, considered to the be amongst the top NLP practitioners and teachers.
Illness, Addictions, and Releasing Trauma
Danna Pycher gave this keynote for a women's charity event. These are snippets from the events that go over new ways of thinking about how we can all resolve trauma and thereby allow our bodies and minds to quiet down.
Quarantine Stress Relief Hypnotherapy
Master Hypnotist, Danna Pycher, shares best practices for feeling better NOW. In this time when all of us are staying home and quarantined all around the world it can be very scary and uncertain.
Rapid Healing Techniques
Master hypnotist Danna Pycher speaks at the International Woman's Festival on how to achieve inner peace. She also shares rapid healing techniques to begin feeling better now.